• Indra Iyus Parlaungan Sihole Staff
Keywords: The Personality of the Christian teacher as a counselor, Counseling effectiveness, Changes in student attitudes


The personality of the Christian teacher is determined by the example and persistence of the teacher as a good counselor for students. The example of a Christian teacher as a counselor is a personality who provides a good role model for students to have better behavior at school and at home. Apart from the example of Christian teachers, teachers must also be diligent in educating and teaching students. Because of the persistence of Christian teachers as counselors, they really support students to change their behavior at school and at home. Education in schools must be continuously carried out by Christian teachers as counselors so that students behave well and excel at school.


The effectiveness of counseling carried out in schools between Christian teachers and students who have problems that cannot be solved at home, such as addiction to online games, smoking, and fighting parents at home. Christian teachers must have the ability as a counselor to counsel students who have problems, so that the problems can be resolved and the students have good behavior. How to counsel students who have problems, namely Christian teachers must animate these students, Christian teachers must often interact with students, Christian teachers communicate well with students, Christian teachers interview students so that students have good behavior changes.


Changes in student attitudes are determined by environmental factors at home and at school. Environmental factors at home, parents who help students to change attitudes, but environmental factors at school, Christian teachers who help students to change attitudes. Changing student attitudes is not easy, it requires a long process and patience from Christian teachers and parents, as well as the desire of the students themselves. Changing student attitudes is a matter of pride for Christian parents and teachers. This makes Christian parents and teachers proud because the counseling given by Christian teachers has succeeded in changing students' attitudes for the better.cover_issue_2_en_US3.jpg


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